What is sugarcane and why is it sustainable?

People are becoming more aware of the importance of sustainability and the need to use environmentally friendly products in all aspects of life. One of the most eco-friendly materials used for our friendly disposables is sugarcane, also known as bagasse. Sugarcane is now widely used for various packaging and disposables, including menu boxes, plates, and fry boxes.

Bagasse is the waste left over from sugarcane plants after the sugar has been extracted. Instead of throwing away or burning the sugarcane stalks, the pulp is made into a paper-like substance. Bagasse can be molded into different forms and products that are perfect for packaging food.

Sugarcane is readily available and renewable

It is grown in several countries and grows very quickly, with harvests often occurring every six months. Bagasse is essentially bio-waste from sugarcane plantations that are grown for other purposes.

Reducing pollution and energy consumption with bagasse products

Bagasse waste is often burned in fields and causes pollution when not used. Another major environmental benefit is that the production of sugarcane disposables is much more energy-efficient than producing plastic products. By using bagasse products, you help reduce pollution and energy consumption.

Biodegradable and compostable material

Products made from sugarcane are plant-based and can be biodegraded in 90 days under the right conditions. In contrast, plastic takes up to 400 years to decompose! The rate of bagasse decomposition depends on composting conditions such as temperature, circulation rate, humidity, etc. Shredding bagasse before composting it significantly speeds up the process.

Sugarcane products

Menu boxes, plates, catering trays, and lids made of bagasse are a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative for the foodservice industry. Not bad for a "waste product"!