5 Tips for sustainable, smart and healthy eating

In the Netherlands, a significant amount of food is wasted, which is not only wasteful but also harmful to the environment. Many people think that sustainable and healthy food is expensive, but in reality, it is easier and cheaper than you might think. Below are five tips for sustainable, smart, and healthy eating while reducing food waste.

Go vegetarian or eat less meat

Meat production is extremely harmful to the environment, as it requires a lot of land, water, and feed, and the livestock produces a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. By eating vegetarian a few times a week, it becomes easier to reduce the amount of meat in your meals. Additionally, there are many meat substitutes that are just as delicious, such as tofu, legumes, nuts, and lentils. By doing so, you help the climate and save money!

Consume less dairy

Reducing or completely replacing dairy is another way to lessen your impact on the environment. A dairy cow produces about 25 liters or more of milk per day. Dairy farms use energy for milk production, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere, and cows produce methane through their manure. Plant-based milk requires less energy, land, resources, and water to produce. Replace cow's milk with alternatives such as soy milk, oat milk, or almond milk.

Cook seasonally

Eating seasonally can help lower your grocery bills. Seasonal vegetables and fruits are harvested during a specific time of the year because that's when they taste the best. Due to the high supply during the season, the price is usually lower.

Be mindful of where your food comes from

More and more people, especially children, have no idea where their food comes from. It's essential to pay attention to this. Much food is flown to the Netherlands, which is not good for the environment. Also, many products are produced in heated greenhouses that consume a lot of energy. Therefore, pay attention to where your food comes from, which you can usually see from the stickers on the product. Generally, the closer it is, the more sustainable it is.

Avoid food waste

Wasting and throwing away food is a huge waste and detrimental to the environment. Unfortunately, we still waste a lot of food in the Netherlands. There are many easy steps to prevent food waste at home, such as buying fresh food a few times a week, checking your pantry for food you already have, being creative with leftovers, storing your food at the right temperature and location to prevent spoilage, and choosing sustainable packaging.

Are you inspired to eat more sustainable, intelligent, and healthy? Take a look at our website. TakeAware sells sustainable disposables in various shapes and sizes made from materials such as wood, sugarcane, and bamboo. Check out our bowls, soup cups, and French fry trays, for example.